Hi, I have 23 different targeting clones (divided in 3 groups) in which a same gene is expressed and I have the fold change values of these genes (calculated from CT values against a house keeping gene as control).
So, I would like to use a test, where I can show the difference among the groups is significant or not. What could I use (t-test paired - unpaired, dependent or something else ??)
I use R so a specialized package I wont mine, I know there are packages like HTqPCR,NormqPCR but they go from start (CT values) and I already have the fold change values and the standard error, so a simple test would be good.
Given you got more than two groups, Anova or non-parametric alternatives could be it. Is that enough detail?
I think, I should go for Anova because of 3 groups or Kruskal–Wallis. Thanks