I have a file with hundreds of rsIDs in pairs. I want to test if each pair is in linkage disequilibrium. Is there a tool that can calculate all of them at the same time? My file looks like this: (the reference sequence is hg19)
This is a shut in the dark unless you'd like to check pairwise LD in one of the HapMap reference populations. The rest is relatively straightforward in Bioconductor:
> library(LDheatmap)
> data("CEUData")
> MyHeatmap <- LDheatmap(CEUSNP, CEUDist, LDmeasure = "r",
+ title = "Pairwise LD in r^2", add.map = TRUE,
+ SNP.name = c("rs4648356", "rs6687680"), color = grey.colors(20),
+ name = "myLDgrob", add.key = TRUE)
You can write a bash script to read from your snpList.file and pass it to the R. You may find this helpful!
in LD in what population? Do you also have a file with genotypes?