One of our project used to query OMIM data as XML through NCBI's efetch utility, as described here for example:
What is the best way to interact programmatically with OMIM?
However, it seems the service has stopped functioning a few months ago. It now simply returns the following error:
Database: omim - is not supported
I can find no mention of an update to the API on NCBI's website or anywhere else. At the same time, the pages accessible directly on OMIM's website offer no link to structured data (XML or otherwise) and the downloadable file, while using some specific format to delimit fields, is still far from the flexibility of the former XML files (for example, it is impossible to retrieve metadata for each reference).
Is there currently any way to regain access to OMIM data in a structured, parsable format (XML...)?
BTW, that is not "Open". That is free access, as in free beer. You still cannot redistribute. But the API does answer the question asked. So, still upvoted. But what OMIM needs, is to be released as CC-ND-BY-SA.