I've been trying to use the prepareGenomePlot for mouse data. However, I don't seem to fully understand why I am not getting the cytobands for the mouse genome. I used a small script as seen in this link link text
Which I modified like this:
# prepareGenomePlot example
# construct genomic positions
CHR<-sample(19,40,replace=TRUE) # Chromosomes
MapInfo<-lengthChromosome(CHR,"bases")*runif(length(CHR)) # position on chromosome
chrompos<-prepareGenomePlot(data.frame(CHR,MapInfo),paintCytobands = TRUE, organism="mmu")
# Chrompos returns a matrix with the positions of the elements on the plot
# You can use all kinds of base graphics functions to annotate the chromosomes
# Show connection between 3rd and 4th element
However I get a horrible graph like this link text with no cytogenetic bands info, and the chromosome sizes are also wrong. What I want to do is basically plot specific points on each of the mouse chromosomes with their cyto bands.
Any help will be much appreciated!!!
do you get any warnings ou errors ?