I have aligned ChiP-seq data using BWA-mem. The reference genome has a duplicated region on 2 different chromosomes. When I count the number of reads aligned to each of the regions I get a different number. If BWA-mem align the reads randomly on duplicated regions wasn't I supposed to get the same number of reads for each duplicated region?
bwa mem -B 40 -O 60 -E 10 -L 50 -M -R '@RG\tID:WTCHG_261086_294\tSM:WTCHG_261086_294' -t 10 /home/plxacb/Fixed_fasta/Ade_fasta/Cen8Ade6.fa WTCHG_261086_294.unmapped_ecoli_1.fastq WTCHG_261086_294.unmapped_ecoli_2.fastq | samtools view -bS - > WTCHG_261086_294.strict_bwamem.bam
samtools view WTCHG_261086_294.strict_bwamem.sorted.bam Not76_Chr2_ref:125168-133320 | wc -l
samtools view WTCHG_261086_294.strict_bwamem.sorted.bam Not76_Chr4_ref:1619693-1627846 | wc -l
To be pedantic, your Chr2 region is 1bp shorter than the Chr4 region (8152 vs 8153), it shouldn't make much difference but still who knows...
When I remove this extra 1bp from chr4 the result is 271688, only 8 reads less.