I have the same problem for tophat to recognise the index file for the genome. I don't understand the problem.
I am using the following command
tophat -p 6 --color --bowtie1 --quals --library-type fr-secondstrand -G /Genomes/mouce_database_10/mm10_c data1-RNA.csfasta data1-RNA.QV.qual
and this give the error!Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/tophat/tophat", line 4095, in <module>
File "/usr/local/tophat/tophat", line 3869, in main
left_quals_list = args[2]
IndexError: list index out of range
I check the location and number of files available in Genome folder. I found 6 .ebwt files in the Genome folder. To make genome index file, I used
bowtie-build -C mm10.fa mm10_c
Is there any command that could be useful to solve this problem? and what does this error message means? any help is appreciated.
Thanks for your reply and suggestion for the steps to follow for the alignment. I am looking for a pipeline to predict fusion genes in color space reads as in Tophat there is an option for fusion search.
Also, I would like to ask if there are any quality control measures that I should be looking into for color space reads? If you could suggest paper or blogs that have discussed this issue
Sorry I am not familiar with fusion gene analysis.
I can hardly think of any blogs about color space reads. But you can use adaptor removal tool Cutadapt (supports color space reads) as initial quality control measure.
Thanks for your reply.