hi how to retrieve the sequences of the proximal promoter of the genes from the database of transcriptional start site?
hi how to retrieve the sequences of the proximal promoter of the genes from the database of transcriptional start site?
This is the URL of their download page. Please note the has not been updated since July 2015. You may want to have a look at the annotation of promoter regions from the Ensembl Regulatory build, which is more updated than DBTSS. If you know Perl you could download the sequence of those promoter regions (check the Ensembl Regulation API tutorial). If you have a couple of genes only, you can download the sequence from the browser itself. See the sequences of all regulatory regions in the HOXB2 gene
Release 9.0 Updated (July 9, 2015) Based on UCSC hg38, mm10 Top|
2009 would be old, but the above is the update information from http://dbtss.hgc.jp/
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Which database of transcription start sites are you looking at? Are you looking at single genes or genome-wide? What species is this in? What coding languages do you know?
I am looking for a set of genes for Homo sapiens in DBTSS (database of transcription start sites).