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8.5 years ago
I would like to load a refseq transcript database and update the coordinates of one transcript, using R package GenomicFeatures. Then save the updated database.
I tried the following but the saved object is empty. Moreover, the makeTxDbFromGRanges() function requires that my transcripts have a TYPE column but I have no idea what it refers to. I filled with some random characters and the function does not complain anymore.
Thanks for your suggestion
library(GenomicFeatures,quietly = TRUE)
txdb = loadDb("Refseq.sqlite")
tx <- transcripts(txdb)
idx <- which(tx$tx_name=="NM_000059")
end(tx[idx]) <- 32009447
start(tx[idx]) <- 32006093
#If no Type is provided the makeTxDbFromGRanges() function complains. I have no idea what Type refers to
tx$type <- "Hello"
DB_out <- makeTxDbFromGRanges(tx, drop.stop.codons=TRUE)
saveDb(DB_out, file="output_db.sqlite")