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8.7 years ago
Hi Guys, I am trying to convert BED file to BigBed file using the following command: " bedToBigBed 3_accepted_hits.bed chrom.sizes myBigBed.bb ". the error is: "bedToBigBed: command not found" my bed file and bedToBigBed (downloaded from UCSC) are in the same directory.
who knows how I can solve this problem?
@Ryan: I tried and gave this error: "bash: ./bedToBigBed: Permission denied"
chmod a+x bedToBigBed
and then it'll likely work.again this error: "bash: ./bedToBigBed: Permission denied"
A possibility is that you are working in a normal user account and may need to do
sudo chmod a+x ./bedToBigBed
in the directory where the file is present.