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8.7 years ago
Hello I would like to split multifasta file into the individual file for each sequence in the file. I used the following code and it worked fine with file up to 500 sequences. I tried the same code with 1500 sequences multifasta file. Unfortunately, It didn't work with this and I received the following error message. code I tried?
awk -F '>' '/^>/ {F=sprintf("%s.fasta", $2); print > F;next;} {print F;}' < dt123_nbxcs.fa
error I received
awk: cannot open "gi|353013051|gb|JH237239.1|:7759-7979.fasta" for output (Too many open files)
I wonder how can I do it other than awk?
What if you add close(F) after print F; in the final block, i.e.
Thanks , It worked What I understand from this it will close after writing the sequence into a new file instead of keeping it in memory. Is it right or it has some other meaning?
Pretty much