I am interested in working on saffron (Crocus sativus). There is a data set related to saffron in SRA database, SRP052616 which contains 5 subsets. I want to assemble its stigma RNA-Seq data, to further work on. SRA file has 4.6G bases and is 3Gb, and when converted to fastq, it is almost 9Gb. Is it possible to assemble this file using my Core i3, 4G RAM, 500G, HDD? If it is possible, please suggest me some applications. I have both windows 7 and Linux Mint 14.7 on my laptop. If it is not possible, please tell me what can I do?
Kallisto will (pseudo) align on a laptop
https://liorpachter.wordpress.com/2015/05/10/near-optimal-rna-seq-quantification-with-kallisto/ https://pachterlab.github.io/kallisto/
While correct this is not a solution to the question being asked in the original post.