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8.7 years ago
Khader Shameer
I am working on a proteomics dataset. I am looking for a tool or service to enrichment analyses using protein IDs as query and provide the class, family, superfamily or fold terms (or class, architecture, topology or hierarchy) as output of enrichment analytics
DAVID had an implementation using SCOP in the past, but after the recent update - they removed it. It was a very useful utility for our drug discovery and nanobioinformatics projects.
I am wondering if there is any other tools/service or package out there to do such protein structure-based annotation and enrichment analyses. Thanks!
You probably need something similar to PFam.
The Pfam protein families database: towards a more sustainable future
There are a few new tools:
dcGOR: An R Package for Analysing Ontologies and Protein Domain Annotations
Practical Protein Bioinformatics, 2015
Some special proteins:
ABAEnrichment: gene expression enrichment in human brain regions
PhenoFam-gene set enrichment analysis through protein structural information, 2010
and these posts:
Tool For Evolutionary Conservation Of Protein Folds
PSEA- protein set enrichment analsyis
How To Measure Gene Enrichement (Go, Kegg) Using R And Ensembl Ids ?
Missing Pdb Enteries In Scop And Cath
This is around now-a-days.
Pfam is what am using at the moment. But, Pfam is at the level of domains which is equivalent to SCOP domains/family. I am more in interested in the higher order classification like superfamily and folds. dcGOR is interesting but won't do an enrichment over proteins, once I have set of SCOP data elements, it does some mapping to GO, etc. Other links/posts are not relevant.
Have you looked at InterProScan?
Have you looked at PFAM clans ? My understanding is that they roughly correspond to SCOP superfamilies.