I'm trying to merge peak files in a way that I can't find so far.
I have 16 peak files concatenated in my_peaks.bed
I've tried to use bedtools merge following this example:
$ cat my_peaks.bed
chr1 100 300
chr1 200 500
chr1 0 700
$ bedtools merge -i my_peaks.bed -c 1 -o count
chr1 0 700 3
But actually the kind of output that I want would be the following:
$ bedtools merge -i my_peaks.bed -c 1 -o count
chr1 0 100 1
chr1 100 200 2
chr1 200 300 3
chr1 300 500 2
chr1 500 700 1
I've looked into bedops option --partition which would give :
$ bedops --partition my_peaks.bed
chr1 0 100
chr1 100 200
chr1 200 300
chr1 300 500
chr1 500 700
But then I don't know how to keep the peak count.
Thanks for help
Thank you! I was close indeed, I was trying out bedmap but had a count of 1 everywhere...
For the sorting, I use bedtools sort which is probably similar to Bedops sort-bed I guess. I'm just discovering Bedops I think I'm gonna like it!
Have a nice day
EDIT: Found out macs2 and SPP peak-callers actually produce duplicate peaks. Gonna merge them.
Actually there's an issue though... I have 16 peak files, containing non-overlapping features, so the maximum count should be 16. But in a few cases, it goes up to 40 or 50.
Here are the commands I've used:
I don't understand where it comes from!
A set of peaks within one file may not overlap (or they might, until you merge peaks — your sample input above contains three overlapping regions), but once you concatenate 16 sets of peaks, peaks from different sets/files could certainly overlap a partition and you would get additional counts in that case. You may want to think about how you are merging peaks within and across sets, and what you really want to measure.