if I run tophat on this some.fastq file
@Read_num:9:trans:"ENST00000618181":start:935873:exons:"ENSE00002686739":"ENSE00002703998" TGGAGATTGGCCTGCGACCCGCCGGTGACCTGTTGGGCAAGAGGCTGGGC
tophat -p 12 -o fr-firststrand -a 8 --library-type fr-firststrand --coverage-search Bowtie2Index/Homo_sapiens.GRC38 some.fastq
tophat -p 12 -o fr-secondstrand -a 8 --library-type fr-secondstrand --coverage-search Bowtie2Index/Homo_sapiens.GRC38 some.fastq
Read_num:9 gets put in the unmapped.fq file when library-type = fr-firststrand but gets mapped to accepted_hits.bam. Since tophat uses bowtie to do the mapping and bowtie doesn't care about strand, I don't understand why the bam files generated by (presumably) bowtie are different with different library-types. Where is my understanding breaking down here?
This answered my question as posed. However it appears (when looking at the tophat log files) that --norc nor --nofw are used by tophat.
It's an interesting discussion, but you do realize that the developers of TopHat2 have themselves declared their software to be obsolete?
Yes, I realize that hisat2 is the newer program. However, we are more familiar with tophat2 and built our pipeline using. Hisat2 probably has its fair share of gotchya's.
Presumably it does the equivalent in post-processing.