POSITION DESCRIPTION: Postdoctoral position in computational genomics of cancer is available immediately at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as a joint appointment in Dr. Krasnitz’s research group in the Simons Center for Quantitative Biology and in Dr. Tuveson’s laboratory. The research effort in question will focus on in-depth genomic and transcriptional study of pancreatic cancer, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes via individualized therapies. The computational component of the project will involve analysis and interpretation of massive sequencing data, to be generated from organoid cultures.
Dr. Tuveson’s laboratory conducts cutting-edge research in tumor-derived organoids, leading to wide-ranging applications both in basic cancer biology and in translational medicine. Dr. Krasnitz’s group develops novel computational tools for cancer genomics, with emphasis on tumor heterogeneity.
The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic, highly motivated and capable of thinking “out of the box”; will have a strong background in computational genomics, bioinformatics, or computational biology; a serious interest in cancer biology, and a strong record of accomplishment in research; will be able to communicate effectively with members of a multi-disciplinary research team.
POSITION REQUIREMENTS Required Qualifications: • Ph.D. in a quantitative discipline including bioinformatics, computer science, statistics, genetics, molecular biology, applied mathematics or physics. • Research experience in computational genomics or a closely related field. • Working knowledge of methods and tools of next-generation sequence analysis. • Advanced skills in informatics, including programming in R or similar languages; knowledge in handling Big Data.
TO APPLY: Please submit a CV, a short description of research interests and experience, and contact information for three references by e-mail to krasnitz@cshl.edu. Alex Krasnitz, Ph.D. Simons Center for Quantitative Biology Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory One Bungtown Road Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
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