My colleague identified a set of somatic mutations with MuTect for a project in the end of 2013. I have worked on exactly same data and identified somatic mutations. I want to emphasize that we have used same software for preprocesisng (BWA, Picard, GATK) and somatic mutation identification (MuTect). Both of us used mostly default parameters, and same stringent criteria for MuTect. But the results we got is strikingly different. We used different versions of software, but the results are too different to be explained by the version differences. If we look at the numbers of mutations we identified:
Patient N_MyColleague N_Me N_Intersect
B62047_N018 23 307 12
B62524_N029 234 309 164
B64433_N058 9 154 2
B68756_N045 0 347 0
B79632_N011 5 156 2
B82772_N030 63 133 45
B84442_N007 5 108 4
B88098_N009 64 557 45
B91397_N016 32 327 23
Can any one please give me an explanation how this is possible?