Hi! I am trying to find the coordinates for the mitochondrial DNA in the human genome so that I can calculate the depth of coverage on just those portions of the genome.
I believe it should look something like the following except with chrM:
is there anything where I find where the mtDNA is on the human genome rather than looking specifically at chrM (which is all of those regions put together?)
Are you looking for coordinates for the whole chromosome, or sets of intervals spanning genes?
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updated 2.2 years ago by
written 9.7 years ago by
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I'm looking for sets of intervals spanning genes. I was under the impression that there would be mtDNA in segments integrated into the entire human genome. Am I wrong?
Perhaps you're actually after something else. mtDNA is only on chrM, by definition...however there are non-mitochondrial genes expressed in the mitochondria. Are you instead looking for those?
Yes, chrM, like every other chromosome, is part of the genome. The question becomes whether you're looking for genes expressed in the mitochondria or genes on DNA in the mitochondria (these are a subset of all genes actually expressed in the mitochondria).
I'm looking for genes on DNA in the mitochondria, but now that you've mentioned that this is a just a subset, I would also like to know how to find the non-mitochondrial genes expressed in the mitochondria. How can I find these two things?
Download the appropriate annotation and look here for a tip on how to get chrM. For the nuclear gene which code proteins localized on the mitochondria, see MitoCarta.
uh ? http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?org=Human&db=hg38&position=chrM
is there anything where I find where the mtDNA is on the human genome rather than looking specifically at chrM (which is all of those regions put together?)
What do you mean on the human genome? mtDNA is chrM, it's not like that's somewhere on chr1 or something.
chrM:1-16569 ?
Are you looking for coordinates for the whole chromosome, or sets of intervals spanning genes?
I'm looking for sets of intervals spanning genes. I was under the impression that there would be mtDNA in segments integrated into the entire human genome. Am I wrong?
Perhaps you're actually after something else. mtDNA is only on chrM, by definition...however there are non-mitochondrial genes expressed in the mitochondria. Are you instead looking for those?
Isn't the chrM part of the entire human genome? I'm looking for the mitochondrial genes
Yes, chrM, like every other chromosome, is part of the genome. The question becomes whether you're looking for genes expressed in the mitochondria or genes on DNA in the mitochondria (these are a subset of all genes actually expressed in the mitochondria).
I'm looking for genes on DNA in the mitochondria, but now that you've mentioned that this is a just a subset, I would also like to know how to find the non-mitochondrial genes expressed in the mitochondria. How can I find these two things?