Hi all,
I am trying to align some fastq files to a reference genome. I am very new to this work. When I run this code it gives the following error. I do not understand the reason for this.
/home/kkdesi01/samtools-1.3.1/samtools sort /scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.bam -T /scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class\
/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted -o scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted.bam
/home/kkdesi01/samtools-1.3.1/samtools index /scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted.bam
ERROR message ->
[E::hts_open_format] fail to open file 'scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted.bam'
[bam_merge_core2] failed to create "scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted.bam": No such file or directory
[E::hts_open_format] fail to open file '/scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted.bam'
samtools index: failed to open "/scratch/global/kkdesi01/NGS_Class/animals/Twilight/WGS/bwaDir/SRR1055837.sorted.bam": No such file or directory
Can some one please help me to resolve this. I am using SAmtools 1.3.1 Thank you in advance
Now I get this message in the error file.
[bam_sort_core] merging from 303 files...
Can someone please tell me what does this error means. Is it actually an error? Am I done with sorting? Thank you inadvance.
Looks like you are all done :-)
Go on to the next step of your analysis.
Yayy Thank you :D Does it give an error file even it runs correctly.