Hi, I have two multifasta files. I want to merge them deleting all those fasta seqences from the first multifasta file which are also in the second file. I need to do it by header comparison, sequences are different under the same headers.
Alternatively, could somebody give me a hint how to generate all the contigs (even those unchanged) through bcftools consensus?
Thanks, Pawel
Hi Brian, first of all you've got my deep admiration for tools you produced. I'm using it since one year! When any paper is comming? I would cite with pleasure! Your method worked best because without any additional check repeatmasker swallowed converted first multifasta opposed to two other methods I tried!
Hi Pawel,
A paper on one of the tools should be submitted by the end of next week... I'll probably do some kind of short write-up of the suite overall soon, too, just to make it easier to cite.