Hello, I have been trying to figure out how to deal with combining interaction terms in Deseq2. I have tried all posts and the tutorials including the manual but none try exactly what I am looking for.
My design is as follows
design = ~cell + drug + time + drug:time
Drug: V,L,T
Time: 0,1,2,6,12,24,48
cell: A ,B
I am interested in the difference of differences. Basically I am looking for what genes are regulated differently between 2 treatments or between 1 treatment vs the other 2 across time points as the condition effect. I would also like to interrogate the same question by pooling some time points. So for example for drug T i have the condition effect of early vs late (early being time points 1 and 6 combined) and late being (24 and 48 combined). And how does this compare to the case of drug L for the same condition efffect. All this while controlling for cell type. My solution is using the design above. Assume here that I have made L drug my reference.
this is from resultsNames
[1] "Intercept" "cell_A_vs_B" "drug_V_vs_L" "drug_T_vs_L"
[5] "time_1_vs_0" "time_6_vs_0" "time_12_vs_0" "time_24_vs_0
[9] "time_48_vs_0" "drugV.time1" "drugT.time1" "drugV.time6"
[13] "drugT.time6" "drugV.time12" "drugT.time12" "drugV.time24"
[17] "drugT.time24" "drugV.time48" "drugT.time48"
late vs early condition , T drug vs L drug (L is reference level)
contrast = list(c("drugT.time48", "drugT.time24"), c("drugT.time1","drugT.time6")), listValues = c(0.5,-0.5)
For 48hrs vs early for V vs L (L is reference)
contrast = list(c("drugV.time48"), c("drugV.time1","drugV.time6")), listValues = c(1,-0.5)
What if i wanted condition effect of Late vs Early and the difference and T & V combined vs L? My guess is this. (where L is reference)
c("drugT.time48", "drugT.time24", "drugV.time48", "drugV.time24"), c("drugT.time1", "drugT.time6", "drugV.time1", "drugV.time6"), listValues = c(0.25,-0.25)
Is this correct? Are there other methods of doing this. What if I made V my reference and asked the same questions. This seems more complicating but it might help explicate the DESeq syntax. I can add anything to this post that is necessary.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
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