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8.5 years ago
Hi everyone !
I'm sharing something I found on a french bioinformatic blog (Biorigami) that might help you while looking for a new tool or an alternative application :
It's called OMIC-tools, here it is : https://omictools.com/
It's a website where are gathered and classified a lot of bioinformatics tools, databases, applications...
It concerned a lot of different fields like genomics, proteomics, path way analysis, bioimaging, and many other again.
I hope this could help some of you !
There is already a post on omictools : Omictools: A didactic directory for omic data analysis (NGS, microarray, PCR, MS, NMR) Anyway thank you to share it again. It has a very large list a bioinfo tools applied to 'omics.
This one is also very useful - LabWorm - a new CrowdSourcing platform for finding the newest & best bioinformatic tools
Thanks for sharing Labworm ! I'm going to have a look on it !
Ah sorry ! I've looked for omic and tool separated in the research page, so I thought that I was the first one !