I am working with RNA-Seq data of renal cancer.I downloaded the data from GDC portal. Apparently I wanted to know the subtypes associated with each sample type. I scanned through the clinical meta data, biospecimen meta data even through some individual XML files but I did not find any header corresponding to subtype. https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/tumor/ is down otherwise perhaps I could have subtypes from here. Also I tried using using R package TCGA biolinks to get the subtypes but problem is that total number of samples retrieved are way less from TCGAbiolinks compared to what I manually download from GDC portal(Talking about cases). So any help from where I can retrieve subtype of each sample. Thanks in advance,
In addition has the TCGA data website been permanently shutdown because as such GDC data portal seems more intensive with more samples and whether it has been replaced by it.
Thanks but again from above link also as I mentioned the samples are less compared to GDC portal. cBioPortal contains data from old TCGA data portal and has not been updated perhaps.