I have a couple of .fasta files which I want to turn into databases using the makeblastdb program stored in Blast+ 2.4.0 for OS X 10.11. After following the manual, I typed in this command
makeblastdb -in ~/db/nucleotide/Genus_species_DNA_cds.fasta -title Genus_species_DNA -dbtype nucl -out ~/db/nucleotide
... and expected these files to be created and stored in ~/db/nucleotide:
- document "Genus_species_DNA.nsq"
- document "Genus_species_DNA.nin"
- document "Genus_species_DNA.nhr"
- Unix executable "Genus_species_DNA"
Essentially, I wanted to store my databases the same way the test databases were stored. Instead, these files were created and stored in ~/db/:
- document "nucleotide.nsq"
- document "nucleotide.nin"
- document "nucleotide.nhr"
What needs to change in my command to receive the desired result?
I just got part of the way there with
The above command put the files where I wanted them, with the name I wanted. But -parse_seqids produced more files than I wanted without creating the one I didn't get last time. Which command produces the Unix executable "GspeciesDNA"?