I am doing snp and DGE analysis of WTA data from two samples from E.Coli K12 strain. When I mapped the reads on to the reference genome, I got >97% mapping for both samples...but when I mapped those same reads on to the reference transcriptome, I got <25% of reads mapped for both samples...
To check if I downloaded the right transcriptome, I mapped the transcriptome sequences on to the genome and it showed 99% mapped and Bowtie2 was used to perform the mappings.
Unlike eukaryotic genome, they don't even have splice junction, then what can be the case...Can somebody please explain this anomaly ???!!!!
You should post all programs you used for this analysis (I see you listed Bowtie2) and their version (if relevant), the reference genome identifier, and the reference transcriptome identifier as minimal information. Avoid acronyms where possible and replace them with the full length terminology. Also include the site from which you obtained the reference files.