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8.5 years ago
I have been reading some papers about Enhancer-Promoter Interactions Prediction such as:
- Roy, Sushmita, et al. "A predictive modeling approach for cell line-specific long-range regulatory interactions." Nucleic acids research 43.18 (2015): 8694-8712.
- He, Bing, et al. "Global view of enhancer–promoter interactome in human cells." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111.21 (2014): E2191-E2199.
I could not find what is the real-life advantages of having Enhancer-Promoter Interactions. The second paper mentions that experimental methods "are technically challenging and currently have a high false-negative rate" so "computational work can complement experimental protocols".
But what are the benefits of having these interactions by either experimental or computational methods?