Hi everybody,
I have just run a GWAS (linear regression with covariates) in PLINK (v1.90b3.38). I got a locus with several significantly associated SNPs and I am now running a conditional model (using the PLINK's --condition-list
option) aiming at finding secondary association signals. Specifically, I am conditioning on my top-associated SNP (saved in a text file) and I am including only the variants in the identified locus (by selecting only the SNPs in that locus with the PLINK's --include option).
This is the command I am running the following command:
plink --bfile myplink --extract mysnsp.txt --pheno mypheno.txt --covar mycovar.txt
--no-parents --allow-no-sex --missing-phenotype -9 --maf 0.05 --geno 0.05
--hwe 1e-09 --linear --ci 0.95 --condition-list best.txt --out conditional_model
However, my dataset includes some duplicated variants such as:
19 19:12161188 0 12161188 TT T
19 19:12161188 0 12161188 T TTA
and the conditional analysis terminates with the following error:
Phenotype data is quantitative.
Error: Duplicate ID '19:12161188'.
Let me stress that a normal association study (that is, not including the SNP with the --condition-list
option) works fine.
I am now manually adding the allelic dosage of the top-associated SNP to the set of covariates, but I wonder if there is a more elegant solution (and also why duplicate variants are a problem for conditional but not for association analyses).
Thank you very much!
Thanks for sharing this other workaround, but my question aimed at understanding why the problem appears only with conditional analyses (and not with classical association study) and how to fix the problem without modifying the original data (or re-coding the top-associated SNPs and add it to the covariate set).
because the source code scans input IDs for conditional analysis, but not for single SNP analysis. If you think about how you have to code the conditional analysis, it makes perfect sense why it would do so. https://github.com/chrchang/plink-ng Chris Chang is very responsive, if you have questions about the source code itself I'd try Plink2's user help forums.
Thanks Vincent, will do!