What is FDR in Microarray analysis ? How to use FDR data from class comparison of BRB arraytool?strong text
What is FDR in Microarray analysis ? How to use FDR data from class comparison of BRB arraytool?strong text
Not really answering the question, but I find this simple simulation quite instructive in telling why pvalues need to be corrected by FDR.
Let's simulate a dataset of 10k rows (say genes) and 6 columns (arrays) and assign the first three columns (arrays) to condition A and the second three to condition B. Data is pure random noise from a normal distribution:
dat<- matrix(rnorm(n= 60000), nrow= 10000)
colnames(dat)<- c('cond_A', 'cond_A', 'cond_A', 'cond_B', 'cond_B', 'cond_B')
cond_A cond_A cond_A cond_B cond_B cond_B
[1,] -1.2070657 -1.81689753 -1.6878627 2.4918186 -0.903147902 0.49060054
[2,] 0.2774292 0.62716684 -0.9552011 0.0532215 -0.006098308 0.02499143
[3,] 1.0844412 0.51809210 -0.6480572 0.4562491 -0.904131937 1.29905349
[4,] -2.3456977 0.14092183 0.2610342 1.5770552 -0.060453158 -0.23457321
[5,] 0.4291247 1.45727195 -1.2196940 0.6223530 -1.094187464 -0.45257621
[6,] 0.5060559 -0.49359652 -1.5501888 1.1879753 0.352918538 -0.01112573
[7,] -0.5747400 -2.12224406 0.7750572 -0.2801802 0.030408452 0.93259094
[8,] -0.5466319 -0.13356660 1.7581137 -1.3515010 -1.403397835 -0.72902894
[9,] -0.5644520 -0.42760035 1.4179980 -0.2894252 2.525432355 1.39921972
[10,] -0.8900378 0.08779481 -1.2691443 -1.1788329 -1.281886211 -0.05842774
Now, let's apply a t.test to each row to see which genes are different between condition A and B:
pvals<- apply(dat, 1, function(x) {t.test(x[1:3], x[4:6])$p.value})
Let's sort the pvalues small to large. Although the data is random, we get some pretty small p-values which are obviously false positives:
[1] 2.358038e-06 1.975210e-05 3.434436e-04 5.318831e-04 5.350339e-04 5.627247e-04 6.006373e-04 6.401473e-04 6.556564e-04 8.084033e-04
FDR helps correcting these raw p-values by accounting for the multiple testing. Now only 1 or maybe 2 genes would be worth a further look:
sort(p.adjust(pvals, method= 'fdr'))[1:10]
[1] 0.02358038 0.09876048 0.72850709 0.72850709 0.72850709 0.72850709 0.72850709 0.72850709 0.72850709 0.74591910
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FDR means false discovery rate. Its computation is a way of controlling the risk of false positives in a multiple testing situation. See here for more explanations.