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8.6 years ago
How do I filter the vcf file using below filters:
- number of reads per base is between 5 and 75
- base quality > or = to 30
- mapping quality >= 60
- variant quality >= 90
- distance of adjacent variant >= 5
and it will be something like
cat variants.vcf | java -jar SnpSift.jar filter " ( QUAL >= 30 ) && ( (DP >= 5) && (DP <= 75))" > filtered.vcf
Hi sir
Thank you for your reply. I would like to know what are terms used for mapping quality, variant quality and distance of adjacent variant in vcf file?
Do you mean information about vcf specification?
Hi sir
Can i know whether these terminologies are correct ?
DP - no of reads per base QUAL - variant quality MQ - mapping quality BQ - base quality and i cudnt find terminology for distance of adjacent variant.
Yes you are right from the header you can read
INFO=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="total depth"="">
total number of sequence reads overlapping that position MQ : RMS mapping quality, similar to the version in the INFO field. (Integer) BQ : RMS base quality at this position
you mean between the reference and sample ?!
Hi sir
Thank you for your reply. I could not find adjacent variant term in .vcf file.