An old main paper:
Automated band mapping in electrophoretic gel images using background information
Some modern approach:
Beyond gel electrophoresis: Microfluidic separations, fluorescence burst analysis, and DNA stretching
Other special cases for DNA-gels.
A review of many sequencing techniques : Next Generation DNA Sequencing and the Future of Genomic Medicine
SnapGene: Cloning is simpler when you can see exactly what you are doing.
VIRS: A visual tool for identifying restriction sites in multiple DNA sequences.
DNA Fragment Analysis by Capillary Electrophoresis
Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS) spot identification by second generation virtual RLGS in multiple genomes with multiple enzyme combinations
BAC-HAPPY Mapping (BAP Mapping): A New and Efficient Protocol for Physical Mapping
Thanks for your answer, but my question seems not be solved. I hope to input a DNA sequence (as templates) and some primer pairs. Then,the tool can generate a virtual electrophoretic gel image, where each lane correpsonds to the amplification result of a primer pair.