Hi, I have downloaded ova file of Biolinux 8.
My host OS is CentOS 7 and I installed VirtualBox. I have imported OVA file and giving the Bio-linux 8 processors, 8 RAM (I have host machine with 48 cores and 128RAM).
However when I run Bio-linux it loading and runging very very slow. Upon giving me desktop I can hardly select an icon on the desctop and is highlited after 30sec. It is like slow motion?
So probably I'm missing something (I have played with giving the Bio-linux more or less cpu or ram with no difference)
(the same ova image is running on my mac ok)
Any particular reason why you want to run Linux VM in Linux? Your problem sounds like it may be related to graphics driver..
Probably Cent OS 7 is a remote server and he/she is using BioLinux GUI over network. X11 over network is painfully slow unless you have very fast connections.
Yes, I use it on the remote machine. But even in local gigabit situation x11 or VNC the case is the same so maybe is the graphic adapter as I remember we get the server with no intentions of running any GUI on it....