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8.5 years ago
I am using Braker1 for my gene predictions but running into problems with Genemark. Braker runs till it gets to the stage: NEXT STEP: execute GeneMark-ET. It then produces this error
failed to execute: perl /path/to/braker/BRAKER/gm_et_linux_64/gmes_petap/gmes_petap.pl --sequence=/path/to/braker/BRAKER/braker/guava/genome.fa --ET=/path/to/braker/BRAKER/braker/guava/hintsfile.gff --cores=8 --soft 1000 1>/scratch/sysusers/godwin/BRAKER/Braker_qsub/braker/guava/GeneMark-ET.stdout 2>/scratch/sysusers/godwin/BRAKER/Braker_qsub/braker/guava/errors/GeneMark-ET.stderr
in the GeneMark-ET.stderr I have
Can't obtain file lock: Function not implemented
I don't know how to get around this problem. Please assist
Did you obtain the key for gmes_petap?
The key has to be in the same directory where the program was installed.
Yes it came with the program and copied it to the home directory with
cp gm_key ~/.gm_key