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8.6 years ago
We are trying to create GATK workflow using CWL-draft3. The tool "PrintReads" is throwing the following error:
##### ERROR A USER ERROR has occurred (version 2.8-1-g932cd3a):
##### ERROR
##### ERROR This means that one or more arguments or inputs in your command are incorrect.
##### ERROR The error message below tells you what is the problem.
##### ERROR
##### ERROR If the problem is an invalid argument, please check the online documentation guide
##### ERROR (or rerun your command with --help) to view allowable command-line arguments for this tool.
##### ERROR
##### ERROR Visit our website and forum for extensive documentation and answers to
##### ERROR commonly asked questions http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk
##### ERROR
##### ERROR Please do NOT post this error to the GATK forum unless you have really tried to fix it yourself.
##### ERROR
##### ERROR MESSAGE: **Couldn't write file /var/spool/cwl/printReads-2016-25-07.bam because file could not be created with exception File not found: printReads-2016-25-07.bam**
##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Error collecting output for parameter 'output_printReads'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build/bdist.macosx-10.11-intel/egg/cwltool/draft2tool.py", line 330, in collect_output_ports
ret[fragment] = self.collect_output(port, builder, outdir)
File "build/bdist.macosx-10.11-intel/egg/cwltool/draft2tool.py", line 405, in collect_output
raise WorkflowException("Did not find output file with glob pattern: '{}'".format(globpatterns))
WorkflowException: Did not find output file with glob pattern: '['printReads-2016-25-07.bam']'
The command generated by the tool is:
run \
-i \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.amb:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.amb:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.ann:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.ann:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.rbwt:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.rbwt:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.pac:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.pac:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.sa:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.sa:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/indelRealigner-2016-03-07.bai:/var/lib/cwl/stg6208674/indelRealigner-2016-03-07.bai:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.fai:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.fai:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/indelRealigner-2016-03-07.bam:/var/lib/cwl/stg6208674/indelRealigner-2016-03-07.bam:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.rsa:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.rsa:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.bwt:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.bwt:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.dict:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.dict:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/outputFiles/hg19.fasta.rpac:/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta.rpac:ro' \
'--volume=/Users/sehrish/Google Drive/Analysis using Galaxy, Cpipe and CWL/GATK-worflow/tools/baseRecalibrator-2016-03-07.table:/var/lib/cwl/stg2d0f63bf/baseRecalibrator-2016-03-07.table:ro' \
--volume=/var/folders/q6/2hgf2qtj1k5gw2vkbfxjn6br0000gp/T/tmpaTh8Zp:/var/spool/cwl:rw \
--volume=/var/folders/q6/2hgf2qtj1k5gw2vkbfxjn6br0000gp/T/tmpbBNmiv:/tmp:rw \
--workdir=/var/spool/cwl \
--rm \
--env=TMPDIR=/tmp \
--env=HOME=/var/spool/cwl \
--env=PATH=/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin:/bin \
fzkhan/picard-1.136-gatk-2.8 \
java \
-Xmx4g \
-Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp \
-jar \
/home/biodocker/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK-2.8-1-g932cd3a/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T \
PrintReads \
-R \
/var/lib/cwl/stg301d393b/hg19.fasta \
-I \
/var/lib/cwl/stg6208674/indelRealigner-2016-03-07.bam \
/var/lib/cwl/stg2d0f63bf/baseRecalibrator-2016-03-07.table \
-o \
Can someone please suggest a possible reason for this? Not sure why is this tool not able to create the final output file. Thanks.
Can you share your CWL descriptions & how you ran cwltool? Thanks!
The command we are running is: cwltool --debug --tmpdir-prefix=/Users/sehrish/Google\ Drive/Analysis\ using\ Galaxy\,\ Cpipe\ and\ CWL/GATK-worflow/draft3/ --tmp-outdir-prefix=/Users/sehrish/Google\ Drive/Analysis\ using\ Galaxy\,\ Cpipe\ and\ CWL/GATK-worflow/draft3/ ./GATK-PrintReads.cwl ./GATK-PrintReads.json
We have also tried using: cwltool --debug GATK-PrintReads.cwl GATK-PrintReads.json
Here is the link to the CWL descriptions: https://gist.github.com/skanwal/3cf091a377cc49597f3cc045be369122
Does this work without Docker by running
?We have changed the script to use jar file but now it's not able to find the jar file and throws the following error:
So the jar is now an input to the tool?
Can you update your gist or post a new one?
Yes. I have added an argument for jar file in the cwltool file I have updated the gist with the new file.
One problem:
This needs to be a separate input of type File.
Alternatively you can follow the approach recommended in https://github.com/common-workflow-language/workflows/issues/78#issuecomment-217117284
Remove explicit mention of the jar (Lines 195-197)
Change the basecommand:
baseCommand: [ java, org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.CommandLineGATK ]
environment variable to the location of the installed jar fileI have incorporated these changes (updated the gist file with the changes I did) It's throwing the following error Tool definition failed validation: Validating hint
: missing required fieldenvDef
The CLASSPATH is the path of the docker file or the locally installed jar file?
Pardon me, that should have been
I got that path from your Docker image. If running locally you would set the CLASSPATH in your job input document:
I have tried with and without docker. It's complaining about the "envValue" field (the error below). Also I have updated the GIST repository with the new cwltool definition I am using.
Okay, I fixed my code above (the
shouldn't have been there).One should also be able to write that as:
Using the new mapping shorthand in v1.0.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your time. The previous error has been solved and a new one has popped up:
The command produced by the tool is:
I think the base command is causing a problem (not sure though). I have updated gist as well.
I think the import of
is conflicting with the later hints, have you tried removing that?Yes, I have tried removing the import but the error is exactly the same.