Hello biostars,
I wanted to know if any of you has had any experience with software detecting very large inversion.
I have the .bam files from aligning illumina mate-pair on BWA-MEM, and I am looking for some analysis. Microarray was used to confirm four deletions 2 mbp - 8,mbp in size, and I wanted to see if there are any large inversions that result from the fragments in between the inversions.
Haven't had any luck with many of the structural detection software such as pindel, lumpy-sv, SV-Detect , and GASV, and delly. They have been able to detect around 70 - 100 bp inversions. Pindel has a maximum of 8 million bp and many detections.
Also wanted to ask if BWA-MEM or Bowtie mapping algorithms may have issues with mapping sequences with many large deletions (5 million base pairs) and possible inversions.
Thanks! *edited "insertion" when I meant to say inversion. Sorry for the confusion!
Thanks for the tip Charles. There was a lot of noise when I visualized the .bed files on IGV. I used your idea to compute coverage using and was able to find low coverage in the four large deletion regions ( 2 mbp size each). The coverage in between the deletion regions seemed decent. Do you think this may suggest there is may not be a large inversion?
I looked at the programs you suggested. I don't think they were able to detect any inversions. I tried VarScan, but I am not sure if the algorithm is designed for inversion detection. I will continue to try the other two.
I'm not sure how you were able to identify an inversion with microarray data, unless you had a custom probeset to cover the already known breakpoints (in which case, you should be able to PCR amplify the sequence spanning those junctions to confirm the accuracy in your sample).
Can't really visualize coverage to confirm inversions. You can check for clipped reads for large insertion, but that may also be hard to visualize.