Tagging with MetaMap seems to be very computational intensive and hard to do for the full corpus of Pubmed. Is there a way to do tagging faster with less accuracy or is there maybe a source where I can download Pubmed tagged with UMLS terms?
Tagging with MetaMap seems to be very computational intensive and hard to do for the full corpus of Pubmed. Is there a way to do tagging faster with less accuracy or is there maybe a source where I can download Pubmed tagged with UMLS terms?
I think that the MESH terms of pubmed are tightly related to UMLS.
So you can use the NCBI eutils to download your papers.
you'll get the MESH term in the XML entry of a pubmed article: e.g. in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=11934909&retmode=xml a mesh term is "Protective Clothing"
The Medline demo at Lingpipe might help: http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/demos/tutorial/medline/read-me.html and a specialized version, LingMed, at http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/web/sandbox.html
I can't see a Lingpipe example of tagging with the UMLS per se, but you could probably make it work.
Or, you could do a quick and dirty tagging (via NLTK/Lingpipe?/other) with terms and synonyms related to the task you're working on, perhaps derived from the Metathesaurus? http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/new_users/online_learning/Meta_004.htm
Try bioLabeler. BioLabeler extracts UMLS concepts from Biomedical texts such as scientific paper abstracts, experiments descriptions or medical notes and can be use to automatically curate and annotate BioMedical Literature or to index large documents databases and improve searches or discover relationships between them.
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The UMLS Metathesaurus is actually a collection of dictionaries, and MeSH is just a subset of UMLS. So you have to choose first which dictionary of the UMLS Metathesaurus you want to use.
Are you looking for tagged PubMed/Medline abstracts, or article full text? I can't tell from your question and comments.