Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis: A Practical Introduction
Quality Control, Read Mapping, Visualization and Differential Expression Analysis
7 - 9 December 2016
Munich, Germany
In a nutshell
- Learn the essential computing skills for NGS bioinformatics
- Understand NGS technology, data formats and algorithms
- Use bioinformatics tools for handling sequencing data
- Perform first downstream analyses and find differentially expressed genes
Scope and Topics
The purpose of this workshop is to get a deeper understanding in Next-Generation Sequencing with a special focus on bioinformatics issues. Advantages and disadvantages of current sequencing technologies and their implications on data analysis will be discovered. The participants will be trained on understanding their own NGS data, finding potential problems/errors therein and finally perform their first downstream analysis (differential gene expression). In the course we will use a real-life RNA-seq dataset from the current market leader illumina.
Key dates
- Opening Date of Registration: 1 July 2016
- Closing Date of Registration: 1 November 2016
- Workshop: 7 - 9 December 2016 (9 am - 5 pm)
Registration Fee: 898 EUR (excl. VAT)