Hey all,
I have a bit of a predicament. I'm a student currently analyzing RNAseq data. I usually go for de novo assembly;however, recently a reference genome has come available for our organism. The problem is, the genome is incomplete, it's a draft and about a third to a quarter of it is estimated to be missing. I am obtaining about 10,000 extra genes when using de novo transcriptome assembly, and as such this number of unigenes comes closer to the 100% estimated amount of genes.
Do I go with de novo assembly using trinity based on my deep sequenced RNA-seq reads OR do I map to the genome even though it's a draft which is quite incomplete.
Please let me know what would be best.
Thanks for your comments guys. I've downloaded the coded proteome of the genome and I'm doing a transrate CRBB coverage analysis against my de novo assembly, to determine how much of the genome I'm covering. Would this provide me with a firm foundation to stand on if someone asks me why I opted for a de novo assembly? As long as I can show statistics which indicate i have excellent coverage? Thanks