Hi! Im back! XD didnt have so much time lately
I made an excel file with chr, and chrmstart-end and gen name like this
chr1 11873 14409 DDX11L1
chr1 14361 29370 WASH7P
chr1 17368 17436 MIR6859-1
chr1 17368 17436 MIR6859-2
chr1 17368 17436 MIR6859-3
chr1 17368 17436 MIR6859-4
chr1 30365 30503 MIR1302-2
chr1 30365 30503 MIR1302-9
chr1 30365 30503 MIR1302-10
chr1 30365 30503 MIR1302-11
chr1 34610 36081 FAM138A
I rename my xls file to bed, then I zip the file with this command
bgzip gen.bed
and when I try to tabbix I get this error message
tabix -p bed gen.bed.gz
[E::get_intv] failed to parse TBX_GENERIC, was wrong -p [type] used?
The offending line was: "��ࡱ�"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
what I do wrong?
thanks Pierre!
I was misunderstanding I could just rename my xls file