I have two sets of CuffDiff outputs, set up like this:
CuffDiff 1: Sample 1a vs. Sample 1b
CuffDiff 2: Sample 2a vs. Sample 2b
This gives me log2(FoldChange) values for both comparisons, and both comparisons have the same gene lists.
Is there a way to calculate the correlation between the log2(FoldChange) values per gene for the two data sets? Is this comparison meaningful?
Ultimately I would like to be able to plot this. Right now I've made a plot with the log2(FoldChange) for Sample 1 comparison along the x axis, and log2(FoldChange) for Sample 2 comparison along the y, per gene, but it is messy. I am thinking that this might help to give a more meaningful and understandable visualization.
Thanks Devon. Yes, these 4 samples represent the entirety of the experiment as far as I am aware. I will give this a shot, was also thinking of filtering out genes with less than 1.5x fold change as a starting point like you mentioned.