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8.4 years ago
mmm I tried with vcftools and --diff to see which snps, indels... share 4 individuals from a family. But with this code seems just compare two individuals
vcftools --vcf 2.vcf --diff 2.vcf --diff 3.vcf --diff 4.vcf --out compareall.xls
so at end I did like someone posted in this forum
cat 2.vcf 4.vcf 10.vcf > 2410.vcf
vcftools --vcf 2410.vcf --recode --recode-INFO-all --diff padre.vcf --out compareall.xls
I do right?
Isn't another way to do like on first stage?
Thanks :)
see if this tool will work.
well...I dont know but always I get some trouble to insatll Python packages
I do like say
I sort my samples, but when I run this code in terminal where I have my files
says taboo command not found ;_;
well no idea how...but I managed to install taboo
now i get this