I am closing in on finishing a manuscript on some SNP analyses from an Affymetrix genotyping array data. Most reputable journals (including the main one I am targeting) will demand that I make my SNP data publicly accessible prior to publication.
My first manuscript was on mitochondrial genome sequences, so making that data available was obvious (Genbank). However, where I should upload is not clear to me. The binary Plink (bed, bim, fam) files total to less than 30 MB, so I am not quite sure where they should go.
Any suggestions?
Have you looked at GEO? They apparently support SNP array submissions (e.g. the Affy SNP 6.0 array). Recommendations for human subject data here. Not sure they would accept PLINK binary filesets as-is, but their standard formats would not be too difficult to generate starting from PLINK.