When we have two time-series of gene expression, each one comprised of, say, 10 time-points; one from control and one from treatment; then the problem of figuring out if they are truly different despite noise is called a two-sample problem (as in samples from both cases).
Is that also what people refer to as a two-sample experimental setup?
If the two samples were directly hybridized on a microarray, do they form a one-sample time-series? Thank you.
I think you will have to try to rephrase the question more clearly. I assume that when you talk about two-sample gene expression data, you mean the type where you simultaneously hybridize two samples on a chip. But it is not clear to me what you mean by "separate time series from control and treatment"; do you mean that control was in one channel (e.g. Cy3) and treatment in the other (e.g. Cy5)? Or do you mean that control and treatment time courses were run separately with a constant, common reference in the second channel? And what you later mean by "two directly-bybridized samples"?
My bad. The two samples do not refer to time-points. The data are measurements of differences in the expression levels between treated and control samples of N genes at n time-points. This setup can be realized by the direct hybridization of two samples on microarrays and the repetition of the hybridization process at different time points after the treatment. The results is a time-series of differences of length n and the problem of deciding whether this profile is differentially expressed with a low p-value depends only on that single time-series. Would that be called a one-sample problem?