I'm just a newbie in bioinformatics and need to do some testing on human genome.
After using some tools for SNP calling and annotation (platypus, snpeff), I can see a list of SNPs and which genes these SNPs affects, so I know these genes are modified compared to the reference genome. But how could I know if a gene is totally missing? Which files should I analyze? sam/bam/vcf... Or there's any tool doing this out there?
Thanks in advance.
I have one reference fasta file, 2 fastq files containing reads. I use bwa and samtools to align reads, then use platypus to call SNPs, then snpeff to annotate. That's all I did. So I need a transcriptome? Actually, I don't even know what a transcriptome is.
It's not transcriptome sequencing if I understood correctly.