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11.7 years ago
After 5 days repeatmodeler exited and reported the following error:
Program duration is 1296.0 sec = 21.6 min = 0.4 hr FastaDB::getSubstr - Error index out of bounds! (SeqID=gi|108459, offset=3358, length=47 actualSeqLen=3394) at /usr/users/celldev/cockerj/repeatmodeler/RepeatModeler/RepeatModeler line 1624
Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
Did you ever solve this problem? I'm encountering something similar and am hoping there are answers out there.
Hi Dave. Not sure if this problem is properly resolved, but given the time it takes run RepeatModeler (only to find out it hasn't worked) my eventual solution was just to run ~30 duplicate jobs at the same time, and some of them worked.