i have find cuffcomapre results and it contain many classes. for linc RNA i have to use all classes? and how i can name lincRNA ? i am searching it in Common carp
i have find cuffcomapre results and it contain many classes. for linc RNA i have to use all classes? and how i can name lincRNA ? i am searching it in Common carp
Unless associated function to lincRNA are described, they do not name them. They simply provide ID number. If you assign function to lincRNA, one convention used is based on proximal coding gene. Bur you are also free to use your name or your initials !
Thank you everyone. Yes there is spelling mistake, sorry for that. Anyhow my question is about Common carp. I want to annotate my results. From cuff-merge i got u-class and from cuff-compare i got many classes. I have checked their coding potential, they are non-coding. Now, i want to search similar lnc-RNA in zebra fish, so i can annotate my results. should i use blast? or any other way to annotate my results?
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Name it after yourself, but try to spell at least your name correctly!
Could you be more specific about what you want to do? Do you want to annotate your results?
I assume you are talking about common carp.
I am sure s/he meant "Common carp", unless referring to the majority of lncRNA as common crap.
Sounds very likely, but with all these microbiome studies recently published I cannot exclude the posshitbility that it's actual crap.
There should be awards for funny posts.