I want to detect heteroplasmy in mitochondrial genomes . I have successfully installed mitoseek and mitoseek is working for default datasets .
This is the command and output for example datasets.
ammar@ammar-HP-15-Notebook-PC:~/MitoSeek-1.3$ perl mitoSeek.pl -i mito1.bam
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:44 2016] [WARN] folder mito1 already exists,will delete it first
Steps will be run:
1,Extracting reads in mitochondria from '/home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/mito1.bam' (Output: mito1.bam)
2,Checking Reads number in 'mito1.bam'
3,Moving mitochondrial genome '/home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta' into mito1 (Output:mito.fasta)
4,Pileuping 'mito1.bam' (Output:mito1.pileup)
5,Parsing pileup file of 'mito1.pileup' (Output: mito1_basecall.txt)
6,Getting quality metrics on 'mito1.bam'
7,Detecting heteroplasmy from 'mito1.bam' (Output: mito1_heteroplasmy.txt)
8,Detecting structure variants from 'mito1.bam' (Output: mito1_structure_discordant_mates.txt | mito1_structure_large_deletion.sam)
9,Generating report (Output: mitoSeek.html)
Start analyzing:
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:44 2016] [WARN] It seems like the mitochondrial reference used in the bam is rCRS, not hg19
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:44 2016] 1,Extracting reads in mitochondria from '/home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/mito1.bam' (Output: mito1.bam)
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:45 2016] 2,Checking Reads number in 'mito1.bam' n=46123
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:45 2016] 3,Moving mitochondrial genome '/home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta' into mito1 (Output:mito.fasta)
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:45 2016] 4,Pileuping 'mito1.bam' (Output:mito1.pileup)
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:49 2016] 5,Parsing pileup file of 'mito1.pileup' (Output: mito1_basecall.txt)
[Tue Aug 16 22:20:49 2016] 6,Getting quality metrics on 'mito1.bam'
[Tue Aug 16 22:22:48 2016] 7,Detecting heteroplasmy from 'mito1.bam' (Output: mito1_heteroplasmy.txt)
[Tue Aug 16 22:22:52 2016] 8,Detecting structure variants from 'mito1.bam' (Output: mito1_structure_discordant_mates.txt | mito1_structure_large_deletion.sam)
[Tue Aug 16 22:22:53 2016] 9,Generating report (Output: mitoSeek.html)
Total Running Time: 0h:02m:09s
And this is the command for my dataset
ammar@ammar-HP-15-Notebook-PC:~/MitoSeek-1.3$ perl mitoSeek.pl -i data88.bam
[Tue Aug 16 23:09:38 2016] [WARN] folder data88 already exists,will delete it first
Steps will be run: 1,Extracting reads in mitochondria from '/home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/data88.bam' (Output: mito1.bam)
2,Checking Reads number in 'mito1.bam'
3,Moving mitochondrial genome '/home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta' into data88 (Output:mito.fasta)
4,Pileuping 'mito1.bam' (Output:mito1.pileup)
5,Parsing pileup file of 'mito1.pileup' (Output: mito1_basecall.txt)
6,Getting quality metrics on 'mito1.bam'
7,Detecting heteroplasmy from 'mito1.bam' (Output: mito1_heteroplasmy.txt)
8,Detecting structure variants from 'mito1.bam' (Output: mito1_structure_discordant_mates.txt | mito1_structure_large_deletion.sam)
9,Generating report (Output: mitoSeek.html)
Start analyzing: [Tue Aug 16 23:09:38 2016] [ERROR] No mithochondrial chromosome detected from the header
This looks like a more informative question, but it's quite similar to C: Mitoseek not installing correctly isn't it?
Yes, actually i tried to ask many things in the same post but it failed. Know I managed to install mitoseek but this issue is still there.
You checked the notation of chrMT/chrM/M/MT in fasta and bam file is the same?
I have made bam file from fastq and in fastq there is no such notation, there is only information about reads. And would you please elaborate what is this notation ? Is it a tag that tells the sequence is from mitochondrial genome??
You created the bam file by aligning the fastq to a genome. Check the chromosome notations using
grep '>' /home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta
andsamtools idxstats data88.bam
I checked it and following are results:
ammar@ammar-HP-15-Notebook-PC:~/MitoSeek-1.3$ grep '>' /home/ammar/MitoSeek- 1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta
ammar@ammar-HP-15-Notebook-PC:~/MitoSeek-1.3$ samtools idxstats data88.bam
[bam_idxstats] fail to load the index
Then first sort and index you bam file using samtools.
Thanks, I have indexed and sorted my bam file but the error remains to be the same as shown in very start of the post .
gi|251831106|ref|NC_012920.1| 16569 12095 0
So that's not the same chromosome.
You haven't explained me the use of above command .
I haven't used /home/ammar/MitoSeek- 1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta as reference genome but the used following reference genome.
This is the header of the genome.
And as you can see from previous comment these two are same. Sorry for the confusion being created. Actually i didn't knew the purpose of command you have asked me to implement.
And earlier you were using /home/ammar/MitoSeek-1.3/Resources/genome/hg19.fasta...
In addition, I'm not required to explain you the use of any command, you can google it for example.
I can't code in perl but if I understand the script correctly it expects to find "chrM" as chromosome identifier (line1431 in https://github.com/riverlee/MitoSeek/blob/v1.3/mitoSeek.pl) so I think it would be the best if you repeated the mapping.