I'm looking for software that detects heteroplasmic variants in mtDNA and have not had much luck. Is there a program works well for calling these variants?
I'm looking for software that detects heteroplasmic variants in mtDNA and have not had much luck. Is there a program works well for calling these variants?
Shameless plug: you could use LoFreq. It was originally designed for relatively high coverage, low allele frequency data in mind. In the original publication we gave a micro-heteroplasmy example in the context of cancer.
Another shameless plug: you could use mtDNA-Server - it was designed just for this specific task - to determine heteroplasmy in mtDNA ngs data. It also performs a contamination check, based on haplotype / haplogroup checking.
For local usage I can recommend LoFreq - see Andreas answer! Hansi
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No I haven't. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!