Hello all,
Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of the Newbler v3.0 assembler?
I have managed to download and install v2.9, having obtained it from from the 454 official website. Link: http://454.com/contact-us/software-request.asp
However, v2.9 has a max read length of 2000, while v3.0 has a max read length of 30000. This is important for my work.
In the paper "The haplotype-resolved genome sequence of hexaploid Ipomoea batatas reveals its evolutionary history", the authors use Newbler v3.0 to assemble long reads (length < 29000). http://biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2016/07/18/064428.full.pdf
I am making a de-novo assembly of my own for a highly heterozygous diploid species and seek to emulate their assembly process.
Thank you, Joe
Thank you
Hi lexnederbragt, thanks for your answer. I tried using that link again just now, but it still is showing only v2.9 available for download.