Is there a schema to recognize an Entrez Gene ID?
Performing this search:
It looks like they are just numbers, is that correct?
Do they always begin with 1, or is that just Benford's law?
Thanks, Dan.
Is there a schema to recognize an Entrez Gene ID?
Performing this search:
It looks like they are just numbers, is that correct?
Do they always begin with 1, or is that just Benford's law?
Thanks, Dan.
Yes those are just numbers. Example (human),
Gene Symbols as follows (human),
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The Entrez gene ID will be numbers, not to be mistaken for gene official symbol, which for human genes are given by HGNC. You may want to use Ensembl stable IDs that start with ENS (for Ensembl) and will contain a 3-letter code for all non-human species e.g. ENSMUSXXXXXXXXXXX for Mus musculus.
More in this paper.