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9.3 years ago
GWAS Catalog has moved to EMBL and currently the version on EMBL site has:
Catalog stats
- Last data release on 2015-11-19
- 2326 studies
- 15020 SNPs
- 16831 SNP-trait associations
- Genome assembly GRCh38.p2
- dbSNP Build 144
I want to download an earlier versions with dbSNP build 142, where can I download it?
I'm also curious what version of dbSNP do they use at a particular time.. it seems to be a non-trivial thing to change SNP coordinates between different genome assembly and different dbSNP builds.. curious about how they do it.
On the Downloading the GWAS catalog page, they point to their FTP for older versions. However they don't seem to be as old as you'd have liked. Perhaps it's worth sending them an email?
yeah, thanks for the comment!