I am in process of putting together my resume. I showed it to my friend.
The header says: Bioinformaticist
My friend told me that the proper term is Bioinformatician.
The dictionary says:
-ist: "A suffix denoting an adherent system of beliefs..." or "Denoting a member of a profession or business activity"
-ician: "Denoting a person skilled or concerned with a field or subject"
-ist is like:
- artist
- scientist
-ician is like:
- technician
- musician
The consensus seems to be that -ician is the correct suffix.
Are the two different things: -ician being someone who is more like a technician and -ist being more like a scientist?
Maybe we say "physicist" because "physician" often refers to medical doctors? Which might bring it down to what most people use... Personally, I mostly hear people using bioinformatician.